Susan Bubbers - Sermons



The Rev. Dr. Susan Bubbers is a Christian pastor, theologian, author, spiritual director, and conference-speaker. She was ordained an Anglican Priest in January 1995, has ministered in parishes and universities, and she has taught in Bible Institutes and Seminaries. She has published works in written form and online. Her education includes a B.S. in Computer Science, an MDiv in Pastoral Ministry, a DMin in Spiritual Direction, and a PhD from the London School of Theology. She is currently the Dean of the ATLAS Theological Center in Celebration, FL.


  • ATLAS Chapel Vision January 2022

    17/01/2022 Duração: 25min

    We're "turning up the lights" in our hearts and in the ATLAS Ministries! Listen to this exciting "big reveal" of the next phase of the Vision the Lord is giving to us as a community of faith together. Imagine, Explore, Decide, Plan... together, for God's Glory!

  • Semaphore the Easter Message

    05/04/2021 Duração: 24min

    What is the Easter Message? Why is it so important? What difference does it make in your own personal life? This Easter Sermon helps the Victory of Jesus make sense and make a difference, so much so that you'll want to pass it on!

  • Bow and Be Empowered - Part 3 in 2019 Epiphany sermon series

    18/02/2019 Duração: 21min

    How do you pray when you just can't find the right words? Non-verbal prayers are biblical and powerful. Bowing is a way to "pray physcially", to enter into God's presence in such a way that you can worship with sincerity and receive grace in time of need.

  • Soveriegnty Satisfies - Part 2 in 2019 Epiphany sermon series

    05/02/2019 Duração: 20min

    Where do you turn when your soul is hungry? Part 2 in this sermon series teaches you how to move from a place of spiritual starvation to a place of feasting on God's Sovereignty. Jesus is serving-up Sovereignty to Satisfy your soul!

  • Divine Curator of the Images in Your Mind - Part 1 in 2019 Epiphany sermon series

    05/02/2019 Duração: 28min

    "Epiphanies" include seeing a divine image which re-creates your soul. The Word of God speaks, and reality comes into being. Jesus is the Word who lives in your heart; He is the Divine Curator who re-images you from the inside out.

  • The Holy Spirit Lives in You (The Whole Message of This Life-Acts 5.20-Part 1)

    21/01/2019 Duração: 17min

    The Holy Spirit Lives in You! When Jesus inaugurated the New Covenant, He opened the way for us to have a new kind of relationship with the Holy Spirit. Part 1 in a five part series "The Whole Message of This Life" -Acts 5:20; Jer 31:31-33; John 20:26-28